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Recovery college

Our primary goal is the well-being of our clients, which helps to reduce instances of challenging behaviours.

At Collective Hope our broad range of counsellors utilise an evidence based approach to improve the quality of life and decrease challenging behaviour which our clients may exhibit from time to time.  Our behaviour support specialists are qualified and experienced in supporting adults and children when they do have significant behaviours of concern. 

Our team which can include psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and speech pathologists, work closely with our clients to establish what the key issues are for them.  In our experience we find that we need to get better at understanding what the client wants and feels, or that the client does not even understand what is happening in the first instance. Perhaps our client is upset by certain noises or perhaps touch and smell are playing a part too because of heightened sensitivity or something else. 

Our team can then help by crafting a support plan comprising training and other recommendations, which all carry the primary aim of supporting our clients to fully and effectively engage in everyday community life. 
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